Relative Humidity : Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperature upto 31 °C decreasing linearly to 50% relative humidity at 40 °C.
Pollution degree : 2
Storage Temperature : -20 °C to 60 °C, < 80%R.H. (with battery removed).
Altitude : Operating below 2000m
Temperature Coefficient : nominal 0.1x (specified accuracy) / °C @ (0 °C ~ 18 °C or 28 °C ~ 40 °C), or otherwise specified.
Overload Protection : Current via Fork-Clamp: 200A AC rms at <400Hz
Voltage via terminals : 66V DC / 920V AC rms.
Other functions via terminals : 600V DC / VAC rms
E.M.C. :
Meets EN61326-1:2013 ACA functions,
in an RF field of 1V/m:
Total Accuracy = Specified Accuracy + 40 digits at around 87MHz
DCmA and Ohm Functions, in an RF field of 1V/m:
Total Accuracy = Specified Accuracy + 25 digits
Other Functions, in an RF field of 3V/m :
Total Accuracy = Specified Accuracy + 20 digits
Low Battery Indication : Below Approx. 2.85V for Capacitance & Hz; Below Approx. 2.5V for other functions.